New campaign for prevention programs

Präventionsprogramm "Wegweiser" Pressetermin mit Innenminister Herbert Reul
New campaign for prevention programs
Right-wing extremism, left-wing extremism, Islamism - the extremist scene is a threat to our society. The NRW Office for the Protection of the Constitution is successfully combating this with various prevention and drop-out programs. A campaign aims to raise awareness of these programs and sensitize society.

A total of 15 motifs were designed for the "Wegweiser" prevention program, the Islamism Exit Program (API) and the Right-Wing Extremism Exit Program. By mid-December, a total of 680 posters in 18 NRW cities will raise awareness of the dangers of extremism. "The campaign is not only aimed at those directly affected. We want to use it to raise awareness across the board," explained Interior Minister Herbert Reul. Together with Burkhard Freier, Head of the NRW Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the Minister has now presented the campaign.

There are around 3100 Salafists and almost 3400 right-wing extremists in North Rhine-Westphalia. Parts of the right-wing extremist scene are becoming increasingly radicalized. "The aim of the programmes is to catch young people at the beginning of a possible radicalization or to accompany those who want to leave the scene on their way back into democratic society," said Minister Reul. "But for this to happen, those affected need to be aware of what we offer."


The right-wing extremism exit program "Spurwechsel"

The "Spurwechsel" program is aimed at people who are already firmly established in the right-wing extremist scene. Exit counselors work with the dropouts to develop suitable concepts and offer individual help.

The prerequisite is that those affected take part in the program voluntarily and are serious about leaving. A key element of the exit work is coming to terms with the extremist past and ideology. Personal discussions are held to shed light on why and under what conditions those affected joined the scene. Undemocratic thought patterns are questioned. In addition, the exit counsellors work to stabilize the personal living conditions of the participants.

In 2015, Spurwechsel was the first state dropout program in Germany to be scientifically evaluated externally. According to the evaluation, there is a 94% success rate of sustainable dropouts once people have been accepted into the program.


More about the "Spurwechsel" program



The Islamism "API" dropout program

API is the dropout program for the area of "Islamism" and, like "Spurwechsel", is aimed at people who are already firmly anchored in the extremist scene. This program also requires voluntary participation and a serious desire to leave.

Specifically trained employees accompany the exit. In addition to personal discussions in which extremist thought patterns are questioned, "API" offers those willing to leave numerous offers of help to overcome everyday challenges.

Many of the accompanied participants have distanced themselves from the extremist scene in the long term. The number of independent contacts made by imprisoned extremists, for example, is rising continuously.

More about the "API" program


The "Wegweiser" prevention program against violent Salafism

The "Wegweiser" program is aimed at people who already sympathize with the Salafist scene or are at risk of slipping into it, as well as their social environment.

The aim of Wegweiser is to prevent potential radicalization processes among young people and adolescents in their early stages. A key element of the program is the concrete on-site advice. It is open to relatives and other people who recognize problems and notice changes in young people. In addition to advising and supporting affected young people, Wegweiser also involves the social environment in its work.

Wegweiser advice centers have already been set up in many cities and regions across the country. The program is being continuously expanded across the country.

Wegweiser has already succeeded in reaching affected young people in more than 760 cases. The majority of counseling cases are currently progressing positively, target agreements are being implemented and new perspectives have been developed.

More about the "Wegweiser" program


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110