Messenger fraud

Messenger fraud
Face facts - it is not your relative who is writing.
Many people are familiar with the grandchild scam. One variant of this scam is fraud via messenger services such as WhatsApp.

Attempted fraud via Messenger can affect anyone who uses these services. Regardless of the age of their victims, the perpetrators exploit the relationship of trust that usually exists with relatives and acquaintances. This is how they find a way to get money.

Procedures of the fraudsters

The victim first receives a message via Messenger from an unknown telephone number.

The content of this message reads: "Hi mom, I have a new cell phone. Please save the new number!"

The contact via the chat continues - and the victim is promptly asked to make a bank transfer for the alleged child, as they no longer have the online banking data due to the new cell phone and cannot make the transfer themselves. The promise: The money transferred would of course be paid back quickly.

However, none of this is true.

Don't transfer any money

Of course, you will never see your money again with this modified version of the grandchild scam. That's why you should never respond to demands for money from scammers who are now also using messenger services.

On this page you will find (on the right) our prevention advice on scams via messenger services. It contains further important information for you and can be downloaded.

More tips for your protection

If you are contacted in the manner described by a supposed acquaintance or relative using an unknown number: First ask personally at the contact details previously known to you whether the number has actually been changed. Trust is good, control is better. So do not immediately accept a foreign number as a contact.

Only the scammers are to blame

The victims of this scam are not to blame. The perpetrators are always to blame. They shamelessly exploit good qualities, such as trust and helpfulness, to get money.

Victims are not to blame either. "Victim blaming or blame reversal play into the hands of the fraudsters, as this can increase the unfounded shame of the victims. As a result, those affected do not dare to talk about the scam and thus warn others about it.

You have already become a victim

Always file a criminal complaint. This is the only way for the police to become aware of the crime and prosecute the perpetrators. It also provides them with information on the extent of the crime and enables them to establish connections and possibly recognize series of crimes.

You can file a report in person at the nearest police station or online:


Under no circumstances should you make any further payments.

Inform your account-holding financial institution to stop or reverse payments.

Here you can get help

As a victim of crime, you are not on your own. You will be supported by numerous help and advice services, e.g. through discussions or information on how to deal with the authorities. If necessary, staff will accompany you to the courts, police, lawyers and other institutions.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110